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NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that includes information on youth mental health and a young adult living with a mental health condition who shares their own story of recovery. Presentations are offered at no cost to schools and organizations supporting middle and high school students.

Audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain understanding of an often misunderstood topic. Through this dialogue, we can help grow the movement to end stigma.

Presentation Offerings:

NAMI Ending the Silence for Students

50-minute presentation designed for middle and high school students that includes warning signs, facts and statistics, and how to get help for themselves or a friend. Research has shown that NAMI Ending the Silence is effective in changing middle and high school students’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental health conditions and toward seeking help.

NAMI Ending the Silence for Staff

1-hour presentation for school/organization staff members that includes information about mental health warning signs, facts and statistics, how to approach students, and how to work with families.

NAMI Ending the Silence for Families

1-hour presentation for adults with middle or high school aged youth that includes mental health warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child and how to work with school staff.

To request more information or to book a presentation, please contact Jaime Johnston, our Director of Community Programs, at

Volunteer and become an Ending the Silence presenter. Share your story and combat the stigma surrounding mental illness.

You may also be interested in learning about NAMI Parent Support Group, or NAMI In Our Own Voice!

For more information about our free programs, or to learn which programs might best fit your needs, please give us a call at 503-228-5692 or send an email to