Support community mental health while enjoying good company in the wonders of nature.
Schedule: Last Saturday of every month
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Format: In-person
Location: Location varies
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For any questions, email or call 503-228-5692.
September Hike Information:
Visit Guy Talbot State Park with your NAMI Friends!
Date/Time: Saturday, September 30th, 2023 at 11:30 AM, with a hike beginning at 1:00 PM
Meeting Spot: We will meet in the group picnic area around 11:30 AM, and head to the trailhead around 1:00 PM.
Feel free to call hike leader, Paul, at 503-577-9386 if you have any trouble finding us.
Special Note! This will be one of our extended events with a picnic/BBQ before and after the hike! The hike leader will arrive early, to commandeer a picnic site, and will bring charcoal for the grill. Feel free to bring something to share, or come as you are; we will have big fun!